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SilverTec Waterbed Heater - high energy efficiency.

Stock Status: In Stock
Modern easy to install Waterbed Heater. Economical to purchase and to run. Reliable waterbed heater.
Stock Status: In Stock
Modern easy to install Waterbed Heater. Economical to purchase and to run. Reliable waterbed heater.
Modern energy efficient foil based heating system. This heater is economical to purchase and to run. This unit is a new design by an extablished German high tech company. The unit is manufactured on the black forest.
The unit is very reliable and will give you years of service.
The heaters have built in heat control and will gently warm your bed. The heater has very low E Smog values to ensure a restful nights sleep.
This heater is an excellent low cost choice.
  • Brand:
    Carbon Heater
  • Condition:
  • Weight: